Bingo! With Heart

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Play for a cause every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 10-game bingo night, benefiting non-profits and charities. It is $20 to play and reservations are accepted and encouraged. Each game will be a different charity partner to “split the jackpot” on winnings.

  • Aug. 1 – Scheduled guest bingo caller is KATC TV3’s Anna Fischer assisted by local community leader, Linda Horton. The beneficiary of the night’s “split the jackpot” is non-profit partner, Angel Paws Adoption Center.
  • Aug. 15 – Local community leader, Linda Horton, will assist a “celebrity guest caller.” The night’s “split the pot” beneficiary is non-profit partner, Project RISE, Inc.

Play for a cause every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 10-game bingo night, benefiting non-profits and charities. It is $20 to play and reservations are accepted and encouraged. Each game will be a different charity partner to “split the jackpot” on winnings.

(337) 944-6003
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